- The Weeknd Hurry Up Tomorrow [LP]
- Penny & Sparrow Lefty [2 LP]
- Eyedea & Abilities E&A [LP]
- Hans Zimmer World Of Hans Zimmer Part Ii - A New Dimension
- Robert Ascroft Echo Still Remains (Aqu) [Colored Vinyl] (Stic) [Indie Exclusive]
- SEEYOUSPACECOWBOY... Coup De Grace [Wine Marble]
- The Criticals All The Way / Call The Cliche [7inch Peach Vinyl]
- The Criticals Burn With Me / Front Door Confrontations [7inch Yellow Vinyl]
- The Criticals Clever Girl / Belmont [7inch Red Vinyl]
- Cymande Renascence
- Dio Very Best Of Dio Vol 2 [Colored Vinyl]
- Porter Robinson Worlds (10th Anniversary Edition) [Pearl 2 LP]
- Lafourcade, Natalia De Todas Las Flores
- Madvillain Madvillainy Demos
- Maribou State Hallucinating Love (Gate) [Download Included]
- Lilly Hiatt Forever (Stic)
- Eddie Chacon Lay Low
- Don Hunerberg Phase Murmur
- Tele Novella Poet's Tooth [Colored Vinyl] (Red)
- Big Al & Heavyweights Blues Power
- Laughing Chimes Whispers In The Speech Machine (Beig) [Colored Vinyl]
- Bad Bad Hats Walkman [Colored Vinyl] (Ylw)
- Apollo Brown & The Left Gas Mask [Colored Vinyl] (Slv)
- Home Free / O.S.T. Home Free / O.S.T. (Gate)
- Robert Ascroft Echo Still Remains [Colored Vinyl] (Stic)
- Dean Drouillard Mirrors And Ghosts
- Decius Decius Vol. Ii (Splendour & Obedience) (Gate)
- Decius Decius Vol. Ii (Splendour & Obedience) [Colored Vinyl]
- Geologist & D.S. Shaw Deal
- Freckle Freckle
- Prison Downstate
- Richard Edwards King Of The Spook Workers [Colored Vinyl]
- Various Artists Stax Volt - Complete Singles 1959-68 -Vol 1 / Var
- Skerik Compersion Quartet
- Tigercub The Perfume of Decay (Redux) - [Sky Blue LP]
- Ambrose Akinmusire honey from a winter stone
- All That Remains Antifragile
- Ludovico Einaudi Summer Portraits
- Gus Englehorn Hornbook [Download Included]
- Everyone Says Hi Everyone Says Hi [Colored Vinyl]
- Got7 Winter Heptagon (Post) (Stic) (Phob) (Phot) (Asia)
- Lilly Hiatt Forever [Clear Vinyl] (Grn) (Stic) [Indie Exclusive] (Auto)
- Jaye Jayle After Alter
- Gary Kemp This Destination
- L.S. Dunes Violet [Opaque Violet LP]
- Heather Maloney Exploding Star
- Maribou State Hallucinating Love [ Indie Exclusive Unique Recycled Blend Vinyl]
- moe. Circle Of Giants [Orange and Purple Swirl 2LP]
- The Night Flight Orchestra Give Us The Moon [2 LP]
This Week's New Releases
Music Releases 02-07-25
After a decade releasing music as Years & Years, Polari is literally Olly Alexander talking the talk. He bonded with Danny L Harle over a mutual love of 80s club music, that period of uncompromising, avant-garde pop which nonetheless snuck into the mainstream. Polari remained a north star throughout the creative process, a secret language likewise lacking widespread recognition but still influential in plain sight. And after a long history of secrets and subtext, Polari is ultimately an open and universal pop record about those needs that transcend time, sexuality, and self: what it means to belong, to be loved, and (Polari literally translates as “to talk”) to connect.
In celebration of their recent induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, Dave Matthews Band are releasing Where Are You Going: The Singles, a brand-new, career-spanning collection highlighting the band’s iconic discography. Pulling together 22 singles from 1994 to today, Where Are You Going features hits such as “Satellite,” “Crash Into Me,” “Ants Marching,” and more. Including tracks from all ten studio albums, seven of which debuted at #1 on the Billboard Albums Chart, this newest compilation showcases the incredible musical journey of Dave Matthews Band.
After a decade releasing music as Years & Years, Polari is literally Olly Alexander talking the talk. He bonded with Danny L Harle over a mutual love of 80s club music, that period of uncompromising, avant-garde pop which nonetheless snuck into the mainstream. Polari remained a north star throughout the creative process, a secret language likewise lacking widespread recognition but still influential in plain sight. And after a long history of secrets and subtext, Polari is ultimately an open and universal pop record about those needs that transcend time, sexuality, and self: what it means to belong, to be loved, and (Polari literally translates as “to talk”) to connect.
After a decade releasing music as Years & Years, Polari is literally Olly Alexander talking the talk. He bonded with Danny L Harle over a mutual love of 80s club music, that period of uncompromising, avant-garde pop which nonetheless snuck into the mainstream. Polari remained a north star throughout the creative process, a secret language likewise lacking widespread recognition but still influential in plain sight. And after a long history of secrets and subtext, Polari is ultimately an open and universal pop record about those needs that transcend time, sexuality, and self: what it means to belong, to be loved, and (Polari literally translates as “to talk”) to connect.
Kendrick Lamar - GNX - CD
GNX is the sixth studio album by American rapper Kendrick Lamar. Titled after the Buick Regal model, and a follow-up to Mr. Morale & the Big Steppers (2022).
Kendrick Lamar - GNX - Vinyl
GNX is the sixth studio album by American rapper Kendrick Lamar. Titled after the Buick Regal model, and a follow-up to Mr. Morale & the Big Steppers (2022).
LE SSERAFIM - CRAZY (Limited Edition A) - CD
LE SSERAFIM are set to release their Japan 3rd Single, CRAZY. The single features three tracks, including a Japanese original song as well as Japanese versions of "CRAZY" and "EASY." Limited Edition A (CD + Photobook) includes 36pg photo book, 8pg lyric book, selfie photocard (1 of 5 types / random) and portrait sticker (1 of 5 types / random).
LE SSERAFIM - CRAZY (Limited Edition B) - CD
LE SSERAFIM are set to release their Japan 3rd Single, CRAZY. The single features three tracks, including a Japanese original song as well as Japanese versions of "CRAZY" and "EASY." Limited Edition B (CD+QR Card) includes card featuring shoot sketches of jacket photos, music video, and lyric video, 16pg lyric book, selfie photocard (1 of 5 types / random) and portrait sticker (1 of 5 types / random).
LE SSERAFIM - CRAZY (Standard Edition) - CD
LE SSERAFIM are set to release their Japan 3rd Single, CRAZY. The single features three tracks, including a Japanese original song as well as Japanese versions of "CRAZY" and "EASY." Standard Edition (CD) includes 8pg lyric book and selfie photo card (1 of 5 types / random).
Famously formed in 8th grade for a school talent show, The Donnas began as a self-styled co-ed answer to The Ramones, playing gleefully unapologetic, pop-punk paeans to adolescent alienation and hedonism from a decidedly female perspective.
Gold Medal marks a move away from The Donnas' harder/faster ethos towards a more polished (acoustic guitars.whaaat?) pop sound veering towards '70s psychedelia under the helm of Avril Lavigne producer Butch Walker. And you can tell it from the album's graphics, which flash vintage, Peter Max-esque squiggles on the front cover and feature a faux black light poster inside (which Real Gone Music have reproduced for this reissue along with the original printed inner sleeve).
- Limited Edition
- Gold Smoke Vinyl LP
- Printed Inner Sleeve
- Full-Color Poster
Perfect Right Now: A Slumberland Collection [Milky Clear w/ Blue & Yellow Splatter Vinyl]
This Week's New Releases
Music Releases 02-07-25
After a decade releasing music as Years & Years, Polari is literally Olly Alexander talking the talk. He bonded with Danny L Harle over a mutual love of 80s club music, that period of uncompromising, avant-garde pop which nonetheless snuck into the mainstream. Polari remained a north star throughout the creative process, a secret language likewise lacking widespread recognition but still influential in plain sight. And after a long history of secrets and subtext, Polari is ultimately an open and universal pop record about those needs that transcend time, sexuality, and self: what it means to belong, to be loved, and (Polari literally translates as “to talk”) to connect.
In celebration of their recent induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, Dave Matthews Band are releasing Where Are You Going: The Singles, a brand-new, career-spanning collection highlighting the band’s iconic discography. Pulling together 22 singles from 1994 to today, Where Are You Going features hits such as “Satellite,” “Crash Into Me,” “Ants Marching,” and more. Including tracks from all ten studio albums, seven of which debuted at #1 on the Billboard Albums Chart, this newest compilation showcases the incredible musical journey of Dave Matthews Band.
After a decade releasing music as Years & Years, Polari is literally Olly Alexander talking the talk. He bonded with Danny L Harle over a mutual love of 80s club music, that period of uncompromising, avant-garde pop which nonetheless snuck into the mainstream. Polari remained a north star throughout the creative process, a secret language likewise lacking widespread recognition but still influential in plain sight. And after a long history of secrets and subtext, Polari is ultimately an open and universal pop record about those needs that transcend time, sexuality, and self: what it means to belong, to be loved, and (Polari literally translates as “to talk”) to connect.
After a decade releasing music as Years & Years, Polari is literally Olly Alexander talking the talk. He bonded with Danny L Harle over a mutual love of 80s club music, that period of uncompromising, avant-garde pop which nonetheless snuck into the mainstream. Polari remained a north star throughout the creative process, a secret language likewise lacking widespread recognition but still influential in plain sight. And after a long history of secrets and subtext, Polari is ultimately an open and universal pop record about those needs that transcend time, sexuality, and self: what it means to belong, to be loved, and (Polari literally translates as “to talk”) to connect.
Kendrick Lamar - GNX - CD
GNX is the sixth studio album by American rapper Kendrick Lamar. Titled after the Buick Regal model, and a follow-up to Mr. Morale & the Big Steppers (2022).
Kendrick Lamar - GNX - Vinyl
GNX is the sixth studio album by American rapper Kendrick Lamar. Titled after the Buick Regal model, and a follow-up to Mr. Morale & the Big Steppers (2022).
LE SSERAFIM - CRAZY (Limited Edition A) - CD
LE SSERAFIM are set to release their Japan 3rd Single, CRAZY. The single features three tracks, including a Japanese original song as well as Japanese versions of "CRAZY" and "EASY." Limited Edition A (CD + Photobook) includes 36pg photo book, 8pg lyric book, selfie photocard (1 of 5 types / random) and portrait sticker (1 of 5 types / random).
LE SSERAFIM - CRAZY (Limited Edition B) - CD
LE SSERAFIM are set to release their Japan 3rd Single, CRAZY. The single features three tracks, including a Japanese original song as well as Japanese versions of "CRAZY" and "EASY." Limited Edition B (CD+QR Card) includes card featuring shoot sketches of jacket photos, music video, and lyric video, 16pg lyric book, selfie photocard (1 of 5 types / random) and portrait sticker (1 of 5 types / random).
LE SSERAFIM - CRAZY (Standard Edition) - CD
LE SSERAFIM are set to release their Japan 3rd Single, CRAZY. The single features three tracks, including a Japanese original song as well as Japanese versions of "CRAZY" and "EASY." Standard Edition (CD) includes 8pg lyric book and selfie photo card (1 of 5 types / random).
Famously formed in 8th grade for a school talent show, The Donnas began as a self-styled co-ed answer to The Ramones, playing gleefully unapologetic, pop-punk paeans to adolescent alienation and hedonism from a decidedly female perspective.
Gold Medal marks a move away from The Donnas' harder/faster ethos towards a more polished (acoustic guitars.whaaat?) pop sound veering towards '70s psychedelia under the helm of Avril Lavigne producer Butch Walker. And you can tell it from the album's graphics, which flash vintage, Peter Max-esque squiggles on the front cover and feature a faux black light poster inside (which Real Gone Music have reproduced for this reissue along with the original printed inner sleeve).
- Limited Edition
- Gold Smoke Vinyl LP
- Printed Inner Sleeve
- Full-Color Poster
Perfect Right Now: A Slumberland Collection [Milky Clear w/ Blue & Yellow Splatter Vinyl]
- Empire Empire & NBA2K25 Present Music To Ball To [Deluxe Boxset]
- The War and Treaty Plus One [2 LP]
- Sabrina Carpenter Short n' Sweet [Deluxe Edition Bright Azure 2 LP]
- the Velveteers A Million Knives [Limited Edition Indie Exclusive "Glass Of Port" LP]
- Third Mind Live Mind
- Vulture Feather It Will Be Like Now [Rose Vinyl LP]
- FKJ 22_23 Live Sessions [Translucent Light Blue Vinyl]
- Third Mind Live Mind (Gate)
- The Altons Heartache in Room 14 [Baby Blue LP]
- Horsegirl Phonetics On And On [Clear Vinyl] [Indie Exclusive]
- Bartees Strange Horror [Colored Vinyl] (Red)
- Beach Bunny Honeymoon [Colored Vinyl] (Purp)
- Open Mike Eagle Hella Personal Film Festival (Blue) [Colored Vinyl]
- John Glacier Like A Ribbon
- Richard Dawson End Of The Middle [With Booklet] [Indie Exclusive] [Download Included]
- Speed of The Stars Speed Of The Stars [Colored Vinyl] (Purp) (Can)
- Good Morning The Accident [Indie Exclusive]]
- Ricky Martin Pausa + Play
- Califone Villager's Companion
- Califone Villager's Companion [Indie Exclusive Firework Shimmer LP]
- Rusty Williams Grand Man [Indie Exclusive]
- Various Artists Fania Records: The Latin Sound Of New York (1964-1978) [2 LP]
- Joyner Lucas Not Now I'm Busy
- The Wombats Oh! The Ocean [Indie exclusive Cloudy clear]
- Lambrini Girls You're Welcome [Red/Orange Vinyl]
- Alesia Cara Love & Hyperbole [LP]
- Betty Carter Out There With Betty Carter (Verve By Request)
- Yuval Cohen Winter Poems
- Creedence Clearwater Revival Willy And The Poor Boys (Remastered 2025) - [opaque canary yellow vinyl]
- Creedence Clearwater Revival Bayou Country (Remastered 2025) - [opaque tangerine vinyl]
- Creedence Clearwater Revival Cosmo's Factory (Remastered 2025) - [opaque apple red vinyl]
- Creedence Clearwater Revival Creedence Clearwater Revival (Remastered 2025) - [opaque sky blue vinyl]
- Creedence Clearwater Revival Green River (Remastered 2025) - [opaque olive green vinyl]
- Creedence Clearwater Revival Mardi Gras (Remastered 2025) - [opaque gold vinyl]
- Creedence Clearwater Revival Pendulum (Remastered 2025) - [opaque brown vinyl]
- Paganini / Maria Duenas Paganini's Iconic 24 Caprices (Uk)
- Mathias Eick Lullaby
- Four Tops Changing Times [Limited Edition]
- Half.Alive Persona
- Half.Alive Persona
- Bill Henderson Bill Henderson With Oscar Peterson (Verve By)
- I Prevail Heart vs Mind (10th Anniversary Edition) - [Translucent Grape vinyl]
- Ice Spice Y2k
- Iron Maiden Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son [2015 Remaster] [180 Gram]
- Iron Maiden Number Of The Beast [2015 Remaster] [180 Gram] [Remastered]
- Iron Maiden Piece Of Mind [2015 Remaster] [180 Gram] [Remastered]
- Jan Miserre / Gurtler,John (Uk) Outrun - O.S.T. (Uk)
- Sonny Rollins Sonny Rollins And The Contemporary Leaders (Contemporary Records Acoustic Sounds Series) [LP]
- Ross, Diana & the Supremes Let The Sunshine In [Limited Edition]
- Temptations Puzzle People [Limited Edition]
- the Velveteers A Million Knives [LP]
- Jimmy Vivino Gonna Be 2 Of Those Days
- Winona Fighter My Apologies To The Chef [White LP]
- Laufey Valentine - [Indie exclusive]