In this eerie suspenser directed by "Blade Runner" co-scripter Hampton Fancher, Owen Wilson is Vann Siegert, a serial killer who settles in a small Pacific Northwest town where he rents a room from a troubled couple (Mercedes Ruehl, Brian Cox), who help him get a job at the post office. But even while holding a job and dating a workmate (Janeane Garofalo), Siegert can't quell the urge to kill. With Sheryl Crow, Dwight Yoakam, Dennis Haysbert. 111 min. Widescreen (Enhanced); Soundtrack: English DTS Lossless stereo; Subtitles: English; audio commentary; theatrical trailer.
In this eerie suspenser directed by "Blade Runner" co-scripter Hampton Fancher, Owen Wilson is Vann Siegert, a serial killer who settles in a small Pacific Northwest town where he rents a room from a troubled couple (Mercedes Ruehl, Brian Cox), who help him get a job at the post office. But even while holding a job and dating a workmate (Janeane Garofalo), Siegert can't quell the urge to kill. With Sheryl Crow, Dwight Yoakam, Dennis Haysbert. 111 min. Widescreen (Enhanced); Soundtrack: English DTS Lossless stereo; Subtitles: English; audio commentary; theatrical trailer.
In this eerie suspenser directed by "Blade Runner" co-scripter Hampton Fancher, Owen Wilson is Vann Siegert, a serial killer who settles in a small Pacific Northwest town where he rents a room from a troubled couple (Mercedes Ruehl, Brian Cox), who help him get a job at the post office. But even while holding a job and dating a workmate (Janeane Garofalo), Siegert can't quell the urge to kill. With Sheryl Crow, Dwight Yoakam, Dennis Haysbert. 111 min. Widescreen (Enhanced); Soundtrack: English DTS Lossless stereo; Subtitles: English; audio commentary; theatrical trailer.